There’s snow wonderful time like winter break

The second the last bell rings on Friday, students will burst in all directions at the end of a tedious week of finals to jump-start the two week break ahead of them.

Though many decide to relax on their couches in the comfort of their heated homes, others choose to brave the cold. For those who wish to take advantage of the chilly weather while they have time to do so, various venues across the west coast provide such opportunities.

The Irvine Spectrum provides a local venue for the community to come together and celebrate the holidays as one. The outdoor shopping center also features an ice rink open to the public in the winter.

“It’s really nice to have a rink that’s so close to us,” junior Joanna Zhang said. “All the decorations, the decked out christmas tree and the festive music make it truly feel like it’s the holiday season.”

For students who have a little more time to explore other cities and resorts, Lake Tahoe is a great in-state venue for both snowboarding and skiing, and give its guests a multitude of experiences for an unforgettable break. Overlooking a beautiful lake, Lake Tahoe allows one to sweat in the snow while simultaneously relishing the scenic views below.

“I enjoy taking road trips with my family to Lake Tahoe to ski and snowboard at Northstar Resort,” junior Shannon Leo said. “When I don’t have time to travel far, I can always trust Mountain High to be my go-to ski resort.”

Far away destinations such as Tahoe aren’t the only opportunities to break out those trusty skis, as Big Bear and Mountain High are mere hours away. Big Bear Mountain offers plenty of lessons for snow sports as well as season passes for one to take advantage of Southern California’s largest learning area. Mountain High has individual lessons as well as group sessions for schools, Girl and Boy Scouts, or a large group of friends.

Just like any other sport, whether it be for school, recreational leagues or for a club, winter sports bring their participants closer together. Every year they serve as a chance for people to bond and strengthen their relationships with friends and family.

“Well, it’s almost like a family Christmas tradition,” Leo said. “Going on road trips, celebrating Christmas and skiing together have always brought my family closer.”

Snow sports are a ton of fun and ensure almost anyone who partakes in them to have a blast. Many seniors take this break from school to go on trips to celebrate the end of an era before finishing their high school career with a bang.

“I’m going to Big Bear with a group of friends for a senior ski trip,” senior Ananta Ferryanto said. “It’s been a while since most of us have seen snow, much less play winter sports, so it’s going to be an experience to remember.”

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